Information and Decision Making (MANAGEMENT)

Information and Decision Making
Management11e John Schermerhorn

Planning Ahead —Chapter 7 Study Questions
1.What is the role of information in the management process?
2.How do managers use information to make decisions?
3.What are the steps in the decision-making process?
4.What are the current issues in managerial decision making?

Study Question 1: What is the role of information in the management process?
-Information, technology and management
                §Managers must have : Computer competency

-Ability to understand computers and use them to their best advantage
                §Information competency:
§Ability to gather, analyze and use information for decision making and problem solving
-What is useful information?
                §Data : Raw facts and observations
§Information : Data made useful for  decision making  Information drives management functions

-Characteristics of useful information:
                §High quality

-Information needs of organizations
                §Information exchanges with the external environment:
                                §Gather intelligence information
                                §Provide public information
                §Information exchanges within the organization:
                                §Facilitate decision making
                                §Facilitate problem solving

-Information systems
                §Use IT to collect, organize and distribute data for use in decision making

-Management information systems
                §Meet the information needs of managers in making daily decisions

Study Question 2: How do managers use information to make decisions?
-Managerial advantages of IT utilization:
                §Planning advantages
                                §Better and more timely access to useful information
                                §Involving more people in planning
                §Organizing advantages
                                §More ongoing and informed communication among all parts of the organization
                                §Improved coordination and integration
                §Leading advantages
                                §Improved communication with staff and stakeholders
                                §Keeping objectives clear
                §Controlling advantages
                                §More immediate measures of performance results

-Problem solving
§The process of identifying a discrepancy between actual and desired performance and taking action to resolve it

-Problem-solving approaches or styles:
Study Question 2: How do managers use information to make decisions?
-Systematic versus intuitive thinking 
    Systematic thinking : approaches problems in a rational, step-by-step, and analytical fashion
    Intuitive thinking :approaches problems in a flexible and spontaneous fashion

-Multidimensional thinking applies both intuitive and systematic thinking
                §Effective multidimensional thinking requires skill at strategic opportunism

Managers use different cognitive styles
Sensation Thinkers  impersonal, realistic, prefer factsIntuitive Thinkers  impersonal, abstract, idealistic, likes unstructured problemsSensation Feelers relationship oriented, analytical, realisticIntuitive Feelers  relationship oriented, abstract, flexible

-Types of problems
§Structured problems are ones that are familiar, straightforward, and clear with respect to information needs
§Programmed decisions apply solutions that are readily available from  past experiences to solve  structured problems
                §Unstructured problems are ones that are full of ambiguities and information deficiencies
§Nonprogrammed decisions apply a specific solution to meet the demands of a unique problem
                §Commonly faced by higher-level management

-Crisis decision making
§A crisis involves an unexpected problem that can lead to disaster if not resolved quickly and appropriately

Rules for crisis management:
•Figure out what is going on
•Remember that speed matters
•Remember that slow counts, too
•Respect the danger of the unfamiliar
•Value the skeptic
•Be ready to “fight fire with fire ”

Managers make decisions with various amounts of information
Certain environment : offers complete information on possible action alternatives and their consequences
Risk environment: lacks complete information but offers probabilities of the likely outcomes for possible action alternatives
Uncertain environment :lacks so much information that it is difficult to assign probabilities to the likely outcomes of alternatives Figure 7.4 Three environments for managerial decision making and problem solving

Study Question 3: What are the steps in the decision-making process?
Five-step decision-making process:
                §Identify and define the problem
                §Generate and evaluate alternative solutions
                §Make decision
                §Implement the decision
                §Evaluate results

Steps in managerial decision making and problem solving
§Step 1 —Find and define the problem
                §Focuses on information gathering, information processing, and deliberation
                §Decision objectives should be established
                §Common mistakes in defining problems:
                                §Defining the problem too broadly or too narrowly
                                §Focusing on symptoms instead of causes
                                §Choosing the wrong problem

§Step 2 —generate and evaluate alternative courses of action
§Potential solutions are formulated and more information is gathered, data are analyzed , the advantages and disadvantages of alternative solutions are identified. Approaches for evaluating alternatives:
                                §Stakeholder analysis
                                §Cost-benefit analysis
                §Criteria for evaluating alternatives:
                                §Ethical soundness
                §Common mistakes:
                                §Selecting a particular solution too quickly
§Choosing a convenient alternative that may have damaging side effects or may not be as good as other alternatives

§Step 3 —decide on a preferred course of action
                §Two different approaches
                                §Behavioral model leads to satisficing decisions
                                §Classical model leads to optimizing decisions

§Step 4 —implement the decision solution
                §Involves taking action to make sure the solution decided upon becomes a reality
§Managers need to have willingness and ability to implement action plans . Lack-of-participation error should be avoided

§Step 5 —evaluate results
                §Involves comparing actual and desired results
                §Positive and negative consequences of chosen course of action should be examined
§If actual results fall short of desired results, the manager returns to earlier steps in the decision-making process

Check ethical reasoning
                §Ask these spotlight questions

§Issues in decision making
                §How do decision errors happen?
                §Hueristics are strategies for simplifying decision making

• Utility :Does the decision satisfy all constituents or stakeholders?
• Rights :Does the decision respect the rights and duties of everyone?
• Justice :Is the decision consistent with the canons of justice?
• Caring :Is the decision consistent with my responsibilities to care

§Creative Decision making:
§Creativity is the generation of a novel idea or unique approach that solves a problem or crafts an opportunity
                                §creativity is more likely when decision makers are highly task motivated
                §Organizations should create an environment that supports and encourages creativity

§Situational creativity drivers
                §Team creativity skills
                §Management support for creative ideas
                §Organizational culture
                §Personal creativity drivers
                §Situational creativity drivers

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